Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s new elected Libertarian president?

Who is Javier Milei, Argentina's new elected Libertarian president

Javier Milei is an Argentine politician, economist, and former television personality who was elected president of Argentina in 2023. He is a self-described libertarian and member of the La Libertad Avanza party. Milei is a controversial figure who has been compared to Donald Trump for his populist rhetoric and his advocacy for free markets and individual liberty.

Milei was born in Buenos Aires in 1970 and studied economics at the University of Buenos Aires. He worked as a trader and analyst before becoming a television personality in the early 2000s. Milei gained popularity for his outspoken views on economics and politics. He is a proponent of free markets, limited government, and individual liberty. He has also been critical of Argentina’s political establishment and its economic policies.

Milei entered politics in 2019 when he ran for a seat in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. He was elected with a significant margin of victory. In 2023, Milei ran for president of Argentina. He campaigned on a platform of economic reform, tax cuts, and deregulation. He also pledged to reduce the size of the government and to crack down on corruption.

Milei won the presidential election with 55.69% of the vote. His victory was a surprise to many, as he was considered an outsider in the race. Milei’s election is a sign of growing discontent with Argentina’s political and economic establishment. It is also a sign of the increasing popularity of libertarian ideas in Argentina.

Milei’s presidency is likely to be controversial. He has promised to implement radical changes to Argentina’s economy and politics. It remains to be seen whether he will be able to achieve his goals in the face of opposition from the political establishment and the public.

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